

The MITRE Assertion Status Tool is a tool that determines the assertion status (e.g., present, negated, hypothetical) of medical problems mentioned in clinical reports. The tool leverages the functionality of an open-source medical concept extraction system and supplies crucial information needed to understand the meaning of the text. MITRE’s Automating Fact Extraction from Medical Records MSR team is currently collaborating with several organizations to develop clinical NLP pipelines that facilitate secondary reuse of clinical information. These organizations include the Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiological Research Information Center (MAVERIC), the Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research (CHIR), and Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP). SHARP is a research initiative sponsored by Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), whose focus is improving the quality, safety and efficiency of health care with information technology.


Access to Source Code and Documentation


The source code for Mastif is available via git:

git clone ssh:// mastif-code


Documentation is available in the sub-directory mastif-code/doc/


Mastif is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license